(Photo of Lake Titicaca, Peru, by Rodrigo at FreeImagesLive)
Today’s note is for moments when it feels like we’ve got no way out of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
Ideal Path
The ideal path out would be a vaccine that works against any coronavirus and prevents infection.
The vaccines we’re using now focus on the spike protein. Unfortunately, that part of the virus mutates rapidly, making our vaccines less effective.
A few groups around the world are working on vaccines that focus on other parts of the virus that are common to coronaviruses in general and don’t mutate much. One of those groups in Australia recently found out they’re getting a big batch of funding.
Major funding to any of the groups is a good sign. Such funding only gets awarded when the project shows promise of succeeding.
Some scientists think we’ll do best at preventing infection if we can apply vaccines as nasal sprays instead of injections. The lining of your nose and respiratory tract is, after all, where this virus likes to get in first. Toward that end, India has launched a nasal vaccine.
It’s too soon to see yet how effective this is, but the approach looks sound.
Combine those two vaccine ideas into one product and we should be able to come up with a winner.
Alternative Path
That vaccine would be the easiest way out of the pandemic, but it is possible for us to cope without one if we must.
As evidence, are you aware that we are on the verge of eliminating a devastating disease that affects humans? Did you know it’s only the second time we’ve ever done this? The first time was with smallpox.
We made smallpox extinct with a vaccine.
We’re doing it to guinea worm without a vaccine or even a treatment. There were only 13 cases last year, 15 the year before, down from 3.5 million in 1986.
See what I mean? We can do it, one way or the other.
We just need to be patient and self-disciplined to get there.
Jimmy Carter worked to eliminate guinea worm, according to a display in his Presidential Library in Atlanta. He's an example of a Christlike Christian. He walks the talk.