Thanks for connecting the dots on this, Bonnie, scary as it is.

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It's less daunting when we have some idea what's going on and what we can do about it. Random outbreaks of weird things for no apparent reason, so that I'd have no idea what to do, would scare me more. At least, that's how I feel about it.

You steadily respond to my posts with at least a Like to let me know you're reading. Thank you for chiming in. I appreciate it.

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The part that truly frightens me is that this pandemic is relentless and seems to be building into something bigger, rather than slowly phasing out, and that so many people have written it off with a shrug and a careless attitude. A good 95% of the customers I interact with (I work at a florist shop) don't wear a mask, and of those that do, they are worn incorrectly. I'm the only one here that wears one, and have adopted your wife's idea of taking a deep breath, drinking quickly, and slapping it back in place again (thank you for writing about that, BTW).

I don't respond often, mainly because I read this while I'm still waking up and racing around getting ready for work, so my thoughts aren't exactly coherent 😅. There's been plenty of times I've wanted to write something, but I either couldn't express my thoughts well enough, or I didn't have the time. I've been appreciating these, though!

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I'm sorry your work is so filled with people who aren't doing much of anything protective. We do seem to be on a trajectory to worsening instead of getting past it. I don't know how far that has to go before people will (belatedly) get serious about this. But I don't see my caution as fear-driven any more. It was when we knew very little. Now that we know quite a bit, I regard my caution as pragmatic.

Your caution is rational and pragmatic too. Being careless when we know better is what's irrational.

I'm pleased that you find my writing worth your while, especially in the rush to get started with your day. Thank you!

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