The possibilities just get worse by the day. I have never heard this discussed, and the word needs to be spread. However, I fear for folks like you, HCR, Robert Reich, etc. once the Destroyer Regime is installed. I'd love to share this, but will do so only with permission. Your insights are important and I don't know how many liberals are aware of the potential of a MAGAT Constitutional Convention. You are right, they have "great" plans for us, and liberals need to be much more proactive, rather than reactive.

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Think before you share this post. If it goes where red hats are likely to see it, that could put them on alert to watch for and crush any liberal efforts to craft a better option. But I *want* this post seen where it can do some good. I no longer have the ear of anyone in liberal leadership who is willing to think in terms beyond conventional activism, organizing and politics. This post is an effort to get these thoughts to a few well positioned receptive minds.

Unlike HCR, Robert Reich, AOC, etc... I don't live in the USA. Although I am a dual citizen, the UK hates having to let the USA take someone through the extradition treaty. This post would not meet the UK's bar to make it acceptable. Please go ahead and share it where you believe it has a chance of planting seeds in fertile soil.

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