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"Hospitals admonish staff not to test themselves because if they test positive, they’ll have to be off work for a few days." -- WHAAAAAATTTT? Insanity abounds. The new C-word is an abominable disease, and your information is very helpful considering there is little news about it elsewhere. I love your Grandma's attitude about her lopsided breasts. I want to ditch my uncomfortable bra with the same reason: "It's your problem if you don't like it." Tee hee.

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You would have to create a free account to read local media coverage about the NHS notification, but BBC's article covered the most important parts of it. I'll provide a link in this comment. There's more context than you'll find in the article. It used to be that NHS workers with COVID were supposed to stay home for at least 10 days or until rapid tests turn negative two days in a row, whichever comes later. Now, if they test positive, they're supposed to stay home 5 days and then return to work.

If a NHS worker is out sick too much, punitive measures start to kick in. COVID used to not count for that, but now it does. With even baggy blue masks scarce in health care facilities, NHS staff get exposed all the time and get sick. If they test and it's positive, they have to stay home 5 days and it counts toward putting them in disciplinary procedures. If they don't test and can drag themselves in, heaven knows how many people they infect but they don't face disciplinary procedures for being absent too much.

You are quite right, insanity abounds.


As for bras, I never liked them.

Grandma was great.

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