Such a great article, Bonnie. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic. Sorry you and your wife are going through such trials. I can feel the relief you must both be experiencing, as she can work from home.

You wrote--"UK government and business complain about how many people have become “economically inactive,” by which they mean not working when people in their age bracket are normally expected to work"

UK government framing this problem in hyper-capitalist 'new-speak' illuminates the fact they consider 'citizens' nothing but consumers and workers. Unfortunately, those 'consumers' are also workers, and both are being consumed by disease, as you point out.

CITIZENS don't just want flex time, they NEED it--Absolutely!

Here's hoping your wife's family's problems resolve as quickly as possible!

Take care, Bonnie!

Read your last article mentioning your project is still on, I think? If so, good for you!

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In the UK I'm not sure people are even seen as consumers and workers. It's more like we're economic units. Our only value is whatever monetary impact we make on the economy. At the moment our Prime Minister wants to limit the number of students allowed to pursue "low value" degrees at university. In his view, the value of a degree is purely a matter of how much money it enables the graduate to make. Art, literature, social sciences and so on are of low value and must be throttled. Degrees in business, finance and so on are high value.

This attitude is leading to the UK forcing children to attend school when they are sick. This attitude is also leading to forcing people to work when they are sick. That makes people sicker and is disabling some of them. The government keeps yapping about finding ways to make people who have dropped out due to long term illness go back to work.

The hard reality is that you can't flog a dead horse into a gallup. They promoted this much sickness and are still pushing it. They're gonna have to learn to flex.

And yes, the project got through its quarterly review. We showed our recovery plan to the grant monitoring officer and it's good enough to keep us going.

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