You are right on about our constant meddling in natural processes. Creating a dust cloud from the moon? Preposterous! Even the right-wing capitalism-no-holds-barred folk know we are destroying the earth, but they will always opt for short-term profits over long-term health of the earth. If there was only some way to convert their insatiable greed into compassion for others and the earth, we would solve most of our human-caused problems. We've known for more than 50 years that we are causing climate change - I learned about it in high school. We know a million Americans died of COVID and yet there are those who believe their "right" to remain unvaccinated is more important than their responsibility to protect others. Maybe the human race deserves what's coming.
You are right on about our constant meddling in natural processes. Creating a dust cloud from the moon? Preposterous! Even the right-wing capitalism-no-holds-barred folk know we are destroying the earth, but they will always opt for short-term profits over long-term health of the earth. If there was only some way to convert their insatiable greed into compassion for others and the earth, we would solve most of our human-caused problems. We've known for more than 50 years that we are causing climate change - I learned about it in high school. We know a million Americans died of COVID and yet there are those who believe their "right" to remain unvaccinated is more important than their responsibility to protect others. Maybe the human race deserves what's coming.
Maybe we do. No argument there.