It's maddening that I only see Project 2025 discussed online among a set of people who are very alarmed by it. Mainstream media ignores it. The label I've seen used for the people who want that project's outcome, and for naming what they intend to create, is Christofascist.

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The Echo Chambers many of us live in perpetuate the "Us against Them" fearmongering. You were wise to listen to the other side, to know where they were coming from. I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh when I drove cross-country, mainly to keep me awake yelling at him :-) But one can only take so much hateful nonsense. It's interesting that one of my MAGAT friends on Facebook will use Liberal memes about truth and disinformation to support MAGAT themes. His search for truth does not allow him to actually watch the Jan. 6 investigation hearings, though. He needs to have them filtered through right-wing bloviators.

Because many of us have ditched cable (and never figured out how to install a digital antenna - guilty!) I'm not sure that watching the evening local/national news is a thing anymore. I used to record it to skip the commercials when I had cable. I get most of my news via NPR and Facebook posts from reputable sources, plus local notifications on my phone for breaking news. I also subscribe to the Oklahoma City newspaper, and read the local paper via the online public library.

The gas lighting and disinformation campaigns are leading us down a dangerous path. I remember the scene from "Hotel Rwanda" when people listened to hate speech on their radios regarding the Tutsi ethnic peoples. That led to a horrific genocide. With many evangelical Christians in America drinking at the MAGAT trough, I can easily see a new Inquisition emerging if their Golden Calf regains power. As with other dictatorial regimes, the intellectuals, the liberals, the "disloyal" will be purged.

The seeds are indeed being planted. What they will grow into terrifies me.

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You have more fortitude than I do. On my cross-country drives, I couldn't tolerate listening to Rush Limbaugh. That was a step too far for me.

Watching the evening news is still a thing for some people. That's why I was seeing it--my mother watches it. At home, I listen to news on the radio more than I watch. I read certain newspapers online, mostly national/international but a little bit of local. I am unhappy that some news sources I used to rely on have swerved away from their previous reliability. Information is what I want, but spin is increasingly what's on offer.

I think those aren't seeds any more. They're growing.

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