I am appalled at how science has become the enemy among American conservatives, who have politicized, in ridiculous ways, every attempt to control COVID-19. It goes hand in hand with the conservative mindset that "my rights" are more important than the consequences of "my rights" to anyone else. HIV has been a particularly frightening disease from the outset, but we are interconnected, and not addressing it in other parts of the world practically guarantees its proliferation, mutation, and infection rates. Sad.
It isn't just American conservatives who have done that. So have British conservatives, and politicians of various stripes in various countries. The adamant refusal to pay attention to science is international, and baffling, and dangerous to us all. Like you, I find it appalling.
I am appalled at how science has become the enemy among American conservatives, who have politicized, in ridiculous ways, every attempt to control COVID-19. It goes hand in hand with the conservative mindset that "my rights" are more important than the consequences of "my rights" to anyone else. HIV has been a particularly frightening disease from the outset, but we are interconnected, and not addressing it in other parts of the world practically guarantees its proliferation, mutation, and infection rates. Sad.
It isn't just American conservatives who have done that. So have British conservatives, and politicians of various stripes in various countries. The adamant refusal to pay attention to science is international, and baffling, and dangerous to us all. Like you, I find it appalling.