Thanks Bonnie! I will try to read it. It sounds right up my alley.🙏✊🏼

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Same with Brexit in Britain and the trucker's convoy in Canada (even though truckers who work for a living were overwhelmingly against it.)

The groundwork for these attempted overthrows were laid out in the U.S. They appear to be part of the master plan of international fascism. The most appalling feature is the useful idiots who think they're fighting for freedom and against fascism!

If they were to succeed "freedom" for them would mean a gutting of social spending, including social security and the possible end of medicare, for starters.

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Agreed. If you haven't read "Democracy in Chains," I highly recommend it. The whole plan is well documented origin and is bigger than I had guessed.

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I actually expected this - after all, Bolsonaro was known as the "Tropical Trump" and refused to participate in the transfer of power. If the "most powerful country in the world" allows insurrection to happen without consequence to its most powerful perpetrators, the domino effect was inevitable. It disgusts me. All of it.

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I expected copycats somewhere. Brazil is not the only place to watch. Lula seems to recognize the danger of being too loose or too slow about grappling with this. I hope Brazil will do a better job of emerging from this than the USA, which seems to still be mired in it in too many ways.

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The U.S. judicial system is acting more as an impediment than anything else when it comes to taking swift action. Plus, politicians have so much dirt on each other, they are too afraid to take a hard stand. Then there are those 40% of Americans who would be angry and armed to the teeth if Trump got what he deserved.

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