Hurricane Milton came in a little below Tampa, Florida, just enough so to put Tampa on the “dry side” and give the city a fighting chance. The area roughly from Sarasota to Fort Myers was not so fortunate. We’ll find out how bad the damage is as news trickles out of the region.
In separate news, tonight Earth is due to be hit by another powerful solar storm. It is expected to be strong enough to perhaps cause problems with such things as electricity distribution grids. If you are in the northern hemisphere and your skies are clear, you may be able to see the aurora borealis even at relatively low latitudes. Alabama? Yes, maybe even there! Maybe even akin to the spectacular aurora 10 May.
Stay tuned. I’m working on a longer post but it simply isn’t coming together as quickly as I’d like.
Addendum: If you are able to go out and look north in a dark area, the aurora is indeed putting on a show tonight.