The sculptures were amazing, and I especially enjoyed the story of Percy the Peacock. Glad you all are still vigilant about your health in this era.

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Percy defended the hospital against shiny cars for many years. You couldn't really get mad at him for pecking your car in the parking lot if yours was shiny. You'd be there for some medical issue, which is generally not a good feeling. Then he would wander by a window or door outside, spread his tail and make you feel better instantly. Pecked cars were a small price to pay.

Our conversation touched briefly on the H5N1 bird flu pandemic, and how basic pandemic precautions will also be protective whenever that crosses over into humans with the one additional mutation it needs to make a run around the globe. Bird flu tends to be the origin of the worse human flu pandemics. But we didn't dwell on it. Much more talk about all sorts of other things.

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As a long-time bird lover, I hate that this disease is causing so many deaths, and I do worry about it crossing over to humans. As Roseanne Rosannadanna (SNL) said, "If it's not one thing, it's another." Or something to that effect.

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Grandma's version was, "Life is just one damned thing after another."

This bird flu is decimating, and it is crossing over into an unusual number of mammalian species. Friends around the corner have chickens. Their chickens have been in lockdown for so long, I wonder whether they even remember what it was like to get to leave their (generously sized) enclosure.

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