The florist I could understand, not trying to put the charge through until they had done the work. The rest of it... yuck. Especially having to go right back to work after all that. Small wonder that you are still reeling.
The florist I could understand, not trying to put the charge through until they had done the work. The rest of it... yuck. Especially having to go right back to work after all that. Small wonder that you are still reeling.
That's interesting, because I've worked at 2 florist shops (currently at one now) and we've always charged at time of order, no matter the delivery date. It's too easy for people to cancel an order after we've already purchased the flowers.
The florist I could understand, not trying to put the charge through until they had done the work. The rest of it... yuck. Especially having to go right back to work after all that. Small wonder that you are still reeling.
That's interesting, because I've worked at 2 florist shops (currently at one now) and we've always charged at time of order, no matter the delivery date. It's too easy for people to cancel an order after we've already purchased the flowers.
I hadn't thought of that. Now your annoyance at the florist makes perfect sense.