Wow, that's an ordeal for all of you. No wonder it hurts. No wonder you needed warmth in a memorial service, more warmth than what you somehow spun during the trip. I keep just saying I'm sorry because I can't think what else to say...
Wow, that's an ordeal for all of you. No wonder it hurts. No wonder you needed warmth in a memorial service, more warmth than what you somehow spun during the trip. I keep just saying I'm sorry because I can't think what else to say...
Thank you for your caring. It is good to know that I am heard.
So much was completely off on those 3 days that I can't even process it. A hour before the service I get a call from the florist that the payment was declined; I placed the order 2 weeks ahead of time. Why did they wait?!?
The pastor of mom's church gave a bland sermon and spoke about his family during it. My sister got up & walked out, and I should have, too. And so on... It was a surreal 3 days of 10+ hours travel time to & fro, very little family time, an empty memorial, and being at work the following day.
The florist I could understand, not trying to put the charge through until they had done the work. The rest of it... yuck. Especially having to go right back to work after all that. Small wonder that you are still reeling.
That's interesting, because I've worked at 2 florist shops (currently at one now) and we've always charged at time of order, no matter the delivery date. It's too easy for people to cancel an order after we've already purchased the flowers.
Wow, that's an ordeal for all of you. No wonder it hurts. No wonder you needed warmth in a memorial service, more warmth than what you somehow spun during the trip. I keep just saying I'm sorry because I can't think what else to say...
Thank you for your caring. It is good to know that I am heard.
So much was completely off on those 3 days that I can't even process it. A hour before the service I get a call from the florist that the payment was declined; I placed the order 2 weeks ahead of time. Why did they wait?!?
The pastor of mom's church gave a bland sermon and spoke about his family during it. My sister got up & walked out, and I should have, too. And so on... It was a surreal 3 days of 10+ hours travel time to & fro, very little family time, an empty memorial, and being at work the following day.
The florist I could understand, not trying to put the charge through until they had done the work. The rest of it... yuck. Especially having to go right back to work after all that. Small wonder that you are still reeling.
That's interesting, because I've worked at 2 florist shops (currently at one now) and we've always charged at time of order, no matter the delivery date. It's too easy for people to cancel an order after we've already purchased the flowers.
I hadn't thought of that. Now your annoyance at the florist makes perfect sense.